Full Name
Alexandre Rispal
Job Title
Co-Founder and CEO
Moonshot-Internet (Société Générale Insurance)
Speaker Bio
Alexandre Rispal is associate director, Moonshot-Internet (Société Générale Insurance) and the former head of R&D and innovation at Sogessur, Société Générale Insurance. He is also the president of the finance and insurance club Adetem (French National Marketing Association). Rispal has more than 10 years of experience with Société Générale, the Macif Group, Crédit Agricole, and AXA in marketing and innovation management, operational, strategic, products, digital, social media, disruptive projects, partnerships with startups, and creation of services, recruiting, training and management of experts. He is a business author and is considered a thought-leader in areas such as telematics, internet of things, big data and blockchain. Rispal has won several innovation prizes.